elephant fish’s occupancy monitoring platform shows real-time occupancy levels across all your venues, and drives the powerful insights of the platform.

Accurately tracking how many customers are in your venue is key to quantifying your environment data. Without people counting, you won’t be able to see how the environment changes alongside venue capacity, understand the average spend per customer (not transaction), or see trends in occupancy.

Within your elephant fish platform, occupancy data is overlaid with data on physical conditions in the venue – providing a valuable 360˚ view of how your venues are performing. Even when you’re not there, you’ll have all the information you need to make informed decisions about your business.

The best bits:

  • See your average spend per customer - not transaction: Getting a round in or going for a family meal makes calculating your average customer spend complicated. No more – elephant fish can compare your EPOS data with venue occupancy levels to give you all the information you need and gain a clearer understanding of customer behaviour.

  • Optimise staffing levels: Getting staffing levels wrong costs your business money – either in excess staffing costs or lost custom. elephant fish helps to highlight trends, supporting more nuanced staffing and giving you the opportunity to quickly react if staff need moving between venues or management support is required.

  • Understand the customer experience: Pinpoint your customers’ ideal environment by seeing how occupancy patterns line up with other vital data, such as sales, temperature, sound and light. Are certain teams, events or types of music keeping customers around for longer - or making them leave after one round? elephant fish makes it easier to understand and consistently deliver the environment your customers prefer.

  • Support Fire Regulations, Health & Safety compliance and police licensing limits: Receive alerts if a venue’s occupancy levels creep towards your capacity limits, so that your staff can take preventative action to keep everyone safe and stay within licensing limits.

  • Predict occupancy: Got a big concert venue or football pitch nearby? elephant fish will give you a clearer picture of how external events impact your occupancy levels - helping you to prepare ahead of time.

  • Plan ahead for the perfect environment: Be proactive not reactive – with historical trends showing how your venue’s environment will change as the occupancy increases. No more top setting on the air con to rescue a sticky situation…


Book your free introduction to see how elephant fish can work for you.